§ 109-46. Amending official map.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Amendments. The town may amend the official map so as to establish the exterior lines of planned new streets, highways, parkways, facilities, waterways, parks or playgrounds, or to widen, narrow, extend or close existing streets, highways, parkways, waterways, parks or playgrounds. No such change may become effective until after a public hearing concerning the proposed change before the town board, at which parties in interest and citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard, has taken place. Notice of the public hearing shall be published as a class 2 notice under Wis. Stats. ch. 985.


    Changes and additions. The town board may change or add to the official map so as to establish the exterior lines of; widen; narrow; extend; or close any platted, existing, proposed or planned streets, highways, parks, playgrounds, waterways, or railroad rights-of-way. The town board shall refer any change or addition to the official map to the town planning commission for review and recommendation thereon prior to adoption. The planning commission shall report their recommendation to the town board within 60 days. A public hearing of parties in interest and citizens before the town board shall be required before any changes or additions to the official map are effective. Notice of the public hearing shall be given as a Class 2 notice under Wis. Stats. ch. 985. Changes and additions made by duly approved subdivision plats and certified survey maps shall not require the public hearing if the change or addition do not affect any land outside the subdivision or certified survey map.

(Ord. No. 66(Ser. 2000), § C, 4-25-2000; Ord. No. 72(Ser. 02-2001), § 42, 4-24-2001)